§ 6-52. Conditions of issuance.  

Latest version.
  • The permit required in section 6-51 shall not be issued unless the following conditions are met and the following plans, statements and approvals submitted to the board of supervisors with the application:


    Such application for special entertainment permit shall have attached to it a copy of the ticket or badge of admission to the festival, containing the date or dates and time or times of the festival, together with a statement by the applicant of the total number of tickets to be offered for sale and the best reasonable estimate by the applicant of the number of persons expected to be in attendance.


    A statement of the name and address of the promoters of the festival, the financial backing of the festival, and the names of all persons or groups who will perform at such festival.


    A statement of the location of the proposed festival, the name and address of the owner of the property on which the festival is to be held, and the nature and interest of the applicant.


    A plan for adequate sanitation facilities and garbage, trash and sewage disposal for persons at the festival. This plan shall meet the requirements of all state and local statutes, ordinances and regulations, and shall be approved by the state department of health.


    A plan for providing food, water and lodging for the persons at the festival. This plan shall meet the requirements of all state and local statutes, ordinances and regulations, and shall be approved by the state department of health.


    A plan for adequate medical facilities for persons at the festival, approved by the state department of health.


    A plan for adequate parking facilities and traffic control in and around the festival area, approved by the sheriff of the county.


    A plan for adequate fire protection, which shall meet the requirements of all state and local statutes, ordinances and regulations, and if applicable shall be approved by the forest warden.


    A statement specifying whether any outdoor lights or lighting is to be utilized and if so, a plan showing the location of such lights and shielding devices or other equipment to prevent unreasonable glow beyond the property on which the festival is located.


    A statement that no music shall be played, either by mechanical device or live performance, in such a manner that the sound emanating therefrom shall be unreasonably audible beyond the property on which the festival is located.

    (Code 1997, § 6-52)

(Code 1997, § 6-52)